EUCOM has expanded its activity onto the manufacturing sector so now we can offer the following types of products:

  • Transport packaging,
  • LDPE and HDPE films/foils for different purposes,
  • Polypropylene binder twine and fiber
  • All kinds of sacks and bags of different types, sizes, colors and printing.

For more information, you can download the catalogs


Using great experience, EUCOM does services for its clients from domain of foreign trade:

  • Import
  • Export
  • Re-export
  • Mediation
  • Representation
  • General Manager
  • Administrative department
  • Finances and accounting department
  • Base chemicals department
  • General chemicals department
  • Petrochemical department
  • Cellulose and paper department
  • Metals department
  • Starch and starch syrup department

Polyethylene packagings & Polypropylene products

If you have questions about the category Production, please contact us using the form.
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